Yahaloooo, guys and girls and others. and dogs. and cats too. (i noe u are seeing dis o-o im watching u, cats) Today, I will be doing my FIRST MOVIE REVIEW. WEEE. Kinda exciting to talk about the things you like which I do or am doing at the moment. XD
With it being spoiler free, therefore I must say that I
will not explained any plot points that may exposed or unravel the story
or any major changes in character developments.
As you guys may or may not aware, The Scorch Trials is an adaptation of a novel of the same name from the series called The Maze Runner. Therefore this movie is a direct sequel to the 2014 The Maze Runner and stars the same actor and actresses with addition of new casts members like that Los Pollos Hermanos Spanish drug guy from Breaking Bad. Yall know who I'm talking about.
So if you haven't watch Maze Runner, before watching this movie, you should as they would use many plot points from the previous movie to explain. It kinda helps to know who's who and how they all relate to each other unless you don't care about those things and just want to watch something so you can stuff your popcorn into your mouth. In that case...well. Awesome. XD
Well, then lets begin this review shall we?
Scorch Trials as I mentioned earlier is an adaptation of the novel of the same name, however if you are someone who idolize books more than movies and always felt that movies never do books any justice because they barely follow the source material..well then.. you are going to be disappointed. The movie in most of the time, followed its own directions with some core elements from the books. You are going to love it if you are a casual reader who reads for the value of enjoyment but if you are a hardcore fan who insist that movies must follow source material, well damn son. However, is it a good change or a bad change? Is it as bad as Percy Jackson adaptation? God no. As a movie overall, I felt that it was pretty well done for a sequel. I'm actually surprised of how good it was until I walked out from the cinema and found myself chatting with my friends about it.
The plot was simple. Again no spoilers. You can clearly see it from the trailers. They escaped. They go somewhere. But the movie lies in explaining their journey from where they escape and where they are heading and along the way , my god, a lot of shit happen. If you watch Maze Runner movie, you can't help but to feel that his movie was simply a major upscale of everything. It tried to be bigger, badder, more explosions, more dramatic scenes and did it work? Well, for some of it , it did. It did really good. I was genuinely wow-ed but for some parts it felt like the movie kinda slowed down for a bit and some scene didn't made any sense, kinda makes you wonder why does this character exists in the first place? Like is this scene even necessary? Some of the actors are good, some are functional and some are there for the sake of that one scene and somehow he's now there for the whole of the movie and some characters barely even had any developments thus making them very unrelatable and 2-Dimensional. The main character who we are supposed to relate to, you go like eh and main girl has the acting range of a potato. A cute potato however. XD The dynamics between the characters only goes so far as the movie tries so hard to explain the world rather than let us be invested in good dialogues among characters. Heck I dun even recognize some of the characters, like were you really in the previous movie?
Despite all that, the tone, the tension comes when needed, the action , the CGI are all pretty impressive for a novel-to-big screen adaptation. Sometimes when you watch a movie, you can't help but to feel like they don't get the budget they deserved or you can sense that the movie is low budget, however this movie felt great due to the visuals. However I am simply nitpicking here. No matter how the review goes or how others tell you how it might goes, watch it for yourself. Then and only after you watch , can you truly judge a movie based on your own. As for me this movie gets a pretty solid B-. It wasn't spectacular or anything wondrous but it is definitely worth your money.
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